Greener Facility Management is a leading security supplier for solar farms in the United Kingdom. We can assist you with a security solution for your solar farm, regardless of its size. Whether you need fences and CCTV, or stationary security guards and mobile patrols, we can help.

Solar farm security is a critical component of every solar project. Solar farms are typically located in remote and isolated places, necessitating a sturdy and complete solution.

Greener Facility Management security can assist you with all elements of solar farm security. This can range from the early stages of designing security for a farm that has yet to be built to an existing solar farm that requires more security or security improvements. We can also supply on-site security guards 24 hours a day, as well as ad-hoc mobile patrols surrounding the solar farm. We also make sure that the perimeter of your solar farm is protected with security fencing and cutting-edge CCTV cameras that are linked to our monitoring systems.

We can take after any solar farm in any place because of our countrywide coverage. This applies to all maintenance crews as well as security officers.

Contact Greener Facility Management today if you have a solar farm; we are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.